Slice of Life: I hope it tastes good.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
excuse me- oyg*oyg*oyg* (ect...)
Summer school is almost over! yayness Mcgee!
Our video totally roxxors my soxxorz.
it be teh pawnt
Sunday, July 01, 2007
I bet you thought it was dead, didnchya?
Fooled you! :D
I feel like wrigting about something other than the Constitution - and not having to worry about grammar and puntuaction, Well. all is well. and I ca"nt see suhmmer skool beeng ne worst.
lol jk
(hee hee)
As I sit in my basement - listening to the mellowdramatic sounds of my brother and my neighbor playing Super Smash Bros - and I stare at this unfinished blog entry I get to think. I get to clear my mind and write about the most important thing to me - my life. And it makes me realise what matters most - everyone yearns to have someone else besides themselves to feel about thier own life as they do. Its just a good feeling, it promotes relationships, sociablity and overall kindness.
Sometimes, yet, I am and other people act as though that being human, and being near to other people is the worst thing that could ever happen to anything. Looking at our race as a scourge on the planet, a type of plague. This is more than little hostility towards the civilaztion that raised them. Its diheartening and unquestionably aggorant towards the mindset of the whole race.
Why anyone would act this way is beyond cognition and rational realization - and yet it still happens. I am cold. You have been cold. Everyone you know, has been an insensitive heartless emotocon at one part of their life - and later, mayhaps even the next day - or within a few hours can be something polar oppisite.
The human psych being so complex and so unrealiable is a very, very real oppisition to everyday life - it challenges the abilty to make clear rational descisions and to know how you feel about topics - or even your own emotions and thoughts.
Think about your favorite song - what do you feel? Is it saddening? Does it make you burst with joy, and feel all bubbly? Or - are you just a fan of all musical art - and love any music that is composed as beatifully as your favorite peice, which gives you awe and admiration towards the brillance of the author?
Why is this your favorite song?
Asking simple questions about simple things can help you find yourself - and once you do that you can begin to figure out how you feel about things and be true to yourself. And if that means you hate the world, sit in the dark and cry, or even if you go outside and greet everyone with a three-mile wide smile - its okay, its who you are. And you should embrace it - or change it.
And alas, change can be good.