Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Entry One: GodZilla Saber F!ght

I cant win, but its just to give you all ideas.

Oh No! Its GodzillllaH! -continues to move mouth-

ITs A Contest! Whoever can put this in paint (or photoshop or the like) put it on my blog, by emailing me a picture, or posting one, will win a prize!

It starts now, and ends October 31st! Halloween themes will not recieve extra consideration.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Trial -insert ampersand- Error

I got iT! Yay for the me!

Here we are in the second installment...


Ive decided to run with this "Blog" thing...

Maybe itll be good to talk to people who Inter-surf...Or whatever those youngin's call it.

Anywhooo...Im missing someone very much right now ((she Can dance )) ^^.

Tune in next time for a special preview of GODZILLA*!

*not required to actualy show any Godzilla footage