Tuesday, May 13, 2008


A new movement. Via me.

Lyf3 is to express life and live to the fullest.

Doing what you want, when you want, in a constructive and original manner.

To create something, to destroy, or to simply revise something old -- are all options.

Living lyf3 with new philosophies and new opinions, changing ideas shouldn't be shunned. Granted you can be wrong, but you shouldn't care. It is who you are, and no one has the right to change you.

Everyone can join, and everyone can leave.

Any race, any creed, religion, or gender. Everyone is welcome, you need not preach lyf3, and you need not change. But you don't need to stay the same either. To be hypocritical is not frowned upon, as long as you make sense.

But ignorance is not accepted.

Thus making lyf3 a contradictory program. But I think it makes sense.

:D I get to start today :D Its my philosophy, feel free to change and improve it.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Time just flys

Seven Hundred and Twenty-One. That number doesn't mean much to anyone. Anyone but me. Seven Hundred and Twenty-One is today.

No one can seem to comprehend what is most important to anyone else. Everyone is far too selfish, and can not take a moment to think in a bipartisan manner unconcerned to themselves. Your guilty. I am guilty. I did it today, I guess.

But thats not what I really want to talk about. I want to talk about things that are important, but not to everyone: not just my perception on people's emotional rights and appeals.

Well, let me rephrase that: I don't want to talk about anything. I want to ramble, and touch on whatever I feel like typing, as it so fluently flows from my fingers to the formatted screen.

I kinda want to start with my whole Thursday thing... I love it. I love telling people Im on Thursday 103, or wherever I am. I love the feeling I get on Thursday, it makes something that was otherwise ordinary to something AWESOME. This transformation, I suppose should be taken on by everyone to make everything just as awesome as every Klendy-Day.

Find something obscure. Find something that screams "you". Find something to be Unique. Not the "Gradeschool unique"...

Allow me to explain. Remember how Teachers in grade school would tell everyone that they were either special, or unique? Well, they told that to everyone. Here is a shocking revelation to everyone -- or rather, anyone who will listen: YOU ARE UNIQUE, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. Im sorry. Im sorry Im breaking the mold. Im sorry I am in actuality someone who IS unique. Someone unlike everyone else.

Sure, Im "weird". Sure Im not normal.

But what is "normal"?

Normal is everyone else.

I am not that.

Everyone else is stupid, close-minded, oppressant, supercilious, and worst of all conformist. I hate conformity. Hell, I hate preaching for conformity, and seeing as I am preaching for non-conformity; I guess Im just as bad.

I guess I hate myself.

Way to go Kyle...

I just hope Im not making a mold for others to "non-conform" into...