Thursday, September 20, 2007

And here we go again...

Hey guys...(and michelle - your not a guy...I hope)

Life is becoming an endless cycle again: Wake up - shower - groom - school - (and then come the idosyncrosies that make "school", school and how every day, although all so different are all the same). I take comfort in this. It warms me and welcomes me every day into the same enviroment. I take solice in the fact that everyday I can go through relitivly the same routine and be more or less unaffected.

To an extent.



At 8:33 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

no i'm not a dude I do not have a dang-er =] hahaha.

yea i like the cycle, it is comforting in a way.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger 3McGraw said...

I hate cycles. So boring. I get bored easily so if there isn't something new I get bored. But if the cycles have enough variations I guess their OK. Anyway I haven't given this much thought so I'm just going to hit 'publish your comment' know and go back to homework, forgetting about this moment in time forever.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Kyky said...

jeebus - you guys covered the second half of my rant - no need in going

At 7:51 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

i'm confused......
oh well.

At 8:42 PM, Blogger 3McGraw said...


There. I covered the third half of your rant now. have fun.


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